Inspired by Hitchcock’s “Vertigo”, our heroin will portray the complicated character of Madeliene Elster.
She is tormented by her past, betrayed by love and has gotten herself into a real pickle in the end.
Just as the movie takes place on the coast of CA, our location will be on the water with lots of rocks and on the
beach. The day should be moody and reflect the state of mind of the Madeline Elster, stormy and cloudy.
She has a lot on her mind and a lot to process. This is no happy beach shoot.

The concept for this season's shoot was inspired by Victorian shingled houses combined with the bright colors that are T.J. Maxx. Our shingle multi-color wall was the perfect roap map background to carry us through the entire season.

For this Fall Season, we wanted to be bold with our graphic backgrounds while embracing our core brand colors of black, white and red. The tricky part was to make sure the merchandise was still the star.